Monday, September 13, 2010

Serious Purging

My husband is on vacation this week.  Are we going anywhere?  Nope.  I am using this week to PURGE.  Clothes, shoes, and the ever popular--junk-collected-over-the-years-that-you-swear-you'll-use-sometime.  Right now, I'm exhausted!  I've been doing the "100 thing challenge" mentioned earlier in another post.
They were right, it's easier said than done.

I cannot part with my books, which are many.  I count my books as ONE item...which is allowable according to many who are participating in this challenge.  I am proud of the eight large garbage bags of clothes and shoes that are now sitting in my station wagon ready to be donated to Goodwill.  My goal for day one:  whittle down my wardrobe to only two weeks worth of clothes.  God, laundry will be a breeze.  Wouldn't that be nice for a change?

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