Tuesday, February 15, 2011


She left today without any warning.  She told me that she'd be back as soon as she could.  She needed to go for a little while to get better, to fix what was wrong with her - inside her heart and mind.  I waited patiently for her to return.  I kept waiting, when so many of us who loved her didn't, because they knew better than me.  I waited so we could be friends again, and it would be just as it was before, maybe even better.  After all, she promised to get better.

Promises are so fragile these days.  They break so easily and the result is so much pain.  Broken, sharpened - a blade that slices so clean. The wound can be fatal if you're not careful.

And lies, oh the lies that fall so easily, without care, out of her cavernous mouth.  I'm bleeding, but breathing.  But she - she's not coming back. Ever.

I would have accepted her decision, no really.  Sometimes you can't save people.  Fuck, sometimes you can barely save yourself.  And sometimes we just have to say goodbye so that we can heal ourselves.

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