Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Confessional Poetry

I am obsessed with confessional poetry, as of late.  Right now I am spending the day with the most famous of them all, Sylvia Plath.

Her talent is absolutely astounding.  It is a pity that we only had her on earth for only a little while.  I think of how much more poetry, stories, maybe even novels she could have produced had she not chosen to take her life.  But then that is what happens to all the ones touched by the Gods- they only stay for a little while.

I remember I had the pleasure of being introduced to Sylvia, ironically enough, when I was going through a severe depression.  I suppose not the best choice of poetry at the time.  But her voice spoke to me through those cleverly, crafted words.  Suffering is universal and unavoidable.  One has to go through it, like childbirth without the meds.  If we are strong enough, maybe we can beat it, if only for a little while.

Ultimately, it beat Sylvia.  I can only hope it won't beat me if and when it decides to come back.

 (Photo Source:  Brooklyn Art Project)

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