Friday, August 6, 2010

Learning About Myself

I just completed an online workshop about Personal Essays.  I loved it!  I do journal everyday and have kept one since I was a child.  I particularly enjoy pulling out those old ones of so long ago. I laugh and sometimes cry at the person I was then; grateful for the improvements of now.

Taking this class was hard as I would have to open private parts of myself for strangers to read, but came to enjoy it and was so sad to see the class end.  I learned that as human beings we all struggle with the same things:  love, loss, fear, death of loved ones, etc.  It just changes form from one person to the other, but we can learn so much from each other if we are willing to share.

I think I will take the advanced class.  It's interesting to dig around in ones past, no telling what you might find.  Things have away of burying themselves so deep you fool yourself into thinking you didn't put them there in the first place.

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