Monday, November 22, 2010

Fighting the urge for....

The KINDLE.   Those who know me...yup...the dark side is tempting me.

I love books...TRADITIONAL books.  Creased paper, ink, the smell, the blessed tactile feel of its pages and cover as I crack it open the first time, and the way it looks on my shelf (well actually shelves, LOTS of shelves).

But one can't help but wonder...what it would be like to carry all of them, your whole blasted library with you...until you drop it, step on it, or have to face the terrible fate that all nifty gadgets succumb to at one time or the other...glitch for no reason.  Then I'll spend more time trying to fix the problem than read its content.  Also, I'll have to replace it with the Kindle 4th, 5th, and 6th generation as time goes by.  Yeesh!

But still....

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