Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Distractions are everywhere.  Please leave me alone!  I can't seem to just sit and write.  Maybe it's the obsessive-compulsive in me that can't ignore something not clean or out of place.  Arrrrh!  Monk and I would have been great friends.

My screenplay is going slow, but I have a story, and most importantly, I have a character.  I love when they start talking to you:  telling you their lives, desires, disappointments, and secrets.  Oh...the secrets are the best.

There is so little time write it all down, but instead of looking at that as a bad thing, it's really good.  At least I got a lot to write, hopefully people will want to read it. 

My TV writing class started this week.  Yes, three classes at once (I'm also taking Poetry).  My husband asks if I'm crazy.  Sometimes I am and isn't it great.

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