Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Virginia Woolf Was Right! A Woman DOES Need A Room Of Her Own

My husband created a little writing office for me.  It's nice to have my own space instead of just writing on the couch, on the recliner, etc.  Now I can look out the window and take in the beauty of the big oak tree that sits in my backyard, while enjoying the sounds of children running and playing--their laughter is contagious.  

The moss green walls, the mahogany bookcases overflowing with knowledge of the eons, the little oak desk, and my stacks of journals all keep me company.  Such a delight and a small piece of heaven in this crazy world.  Thanks honey!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My muse seems to be on vacation

Where's Agatha?  On vacation I surmise due to fact that I am feeling totally burnt out!  I am working on several pieces, not to mention my class in script analysis just started.  Now I have to take some time to watch a couple of movies and write an outline about them.  Should be interesting.

It's been hot and humid in my neck of the woods.  How I long to just lay on the beach with a good book and read someone else other than myself.

I think I just need sleep....and Agatha to return.  It is hard to get the sentences just right.  Oh yeah, I named my muse.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Never Took A Writing Class Until Now...

I am a writer who never took a writing class. I know...I know. And I call myself a writer? Yes, I do. I may not have majored in a writing degree, but I did major in History. If you didn't know it,  history majors write till their fingers wither and disintegrate; in my case I have tough fingers!

All I did to obtain that wonderful little certificate, called a degree, from a big university was to write, write, write.  And if that were not enough, write some more.

My first big job reaffirmed this notion.  Soon after I was hired, I was handed a large stack of papers to research and in two weeks I was responsible for writing a federal grant.  Yikes!  I was told later that I was hired because I was a history major and it told my supervisor two things: I could write and I could research what I wrote.

Of course, there is that part of me that wanted to actually take a writing class. Just to see...maybe I was missing out on some fundamental that would make me a better writer.

My schedule is pretty full, thank the gods for the internet and online classes! I have been taking writing workshops from Writer's Digest and just signed up for Screenwriting at Gotham Writer's Workshop. Do I like them? You bet I do!

My advice to the newbie writer, or even someone who just wants to "brush up" on their skills....go for it.